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<font="Times New Roman" size=4>NOTE: The images on this website are the property of Holly Ridge Photography and are protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. To copy, publish, print, or in anyway reproduce the images herein constitutes a violation of copyright law and violators are subject to legal and civil prosecution. Such unauthorized reproduction includes, but is not limited to, the posting of ripped, copied, clipped or screenshot captures on social media pages and Internet websites. If I discover an unauthorized copy has been reproduced your account will be billed at twice the standard cost of a digital download. I do not steal from you, please do not steal from me

PRINT ORDERS: All images will be cropped and enhanced for color and contrast prior to printing.

Please use special instructions if there are unusual items you want left in the picture or want cropped out. Because pictures crop proportionally according to size, different size prints will have slightly different views. Please e-mail prior to ordering with any special requests or questions about prints

DIGITAL IMAGES:  We are now offering digital images via download rather than on CD.  This will give you quicker delivery without the expense of shipping.  Please note: If you are ordering a complete collection of a single photo group (one back number) use the "Select All" tab at the top of the thumbnail  page, the click "BUY" in the Digital Products tab for the full collection then click the "Select All" option so that all the images will be loaded into your download.  Digital images are full frame, full resolution and licensed for personal use.

If you are ordering the 10 Image Mix-N-Match please contact me for instructions on adding images from different photo groups (back numbers)

EXPIRED EVENTS Events are kept on-line for a limited time; however, we archive all our photos. We do not delete images after the expiratioin date. Orders can be placed for old events. A deposit is required to re-publish archived images. For details contact us by email or phone.

Please allow 2-4 weeks for shipping.